
We believe in the power of prayer. And we want each Hope Mommy and family to be prayed for, consistently and faithfully. We don't take our prayer partners lightly; what we are asking for is a commitment to faithfully serve another person, when everything else in their life seems to have "moved on". We believe that it is IMPERATIVE that we know and understand and pray and communicate TRUE things about the Lord. We are, after all "Hope" Moms. Women who live out of the Hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because that is the heart and soul of this organization, we will be contacting potential prayer partners with our statement of faith and dialogue with you over specific areas of the christian faith.

If you are a Hope Mom or know of one that is, please follow this link.

If you desire to partner with us and faithfully pray for a Hope Mommy and family, please follow this link. You will be contacted by the Hope Mommies administrator about the opportunity to serve Hope Mommies in this very specific and powerful way!